I hope that if you have been looking for a church where you can grow in the Lord, that you will consider paying us a visit at Crossroads Baptist Church. Whether you are just visiting, new to the area, or a long time resident we look forward to meeting you. Our ministries and classes are here to help you develop a Christian life and a heart for God.
The goal and theme of our church is to help you "grow in grace." It is the responsibility of every Christian to grow in grace. One of the greatest ways to do this is to develop a personal walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. A personal walk means that you have a time each and every day to get alone with God, read your Bible and pray. Another great way to grow in Christ is to get involved in as many ministries as you feel the Lord would lead you to join. As a member of our church, you will have opportunities that you never thought possible. There is a special joy that comes from serving the Lord and a spiritual growth that is unexplainable.
Many have found their church home to be right here at Crossroads. I trust you will visit soon.
Sincerely for the next generation,
Randy Taylor, Jr.
Crossroads Baptist Church
2201 W. California St. Gainesville, TX 76240